** Reference to paper: http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/D3FD00165B ** Title: Dissociative chemisorption of O2 on Al(111): Dynamics on a potential energy surface computed with a non-self-consistent screened hybrid density functional approach ** Authors: van Bree, Robert Gerrits, N Kroes, Geert-Jan ** Contact e-mail: r.a.b.van.bree@lic.leidenuniv.nl g.j.kroes@chem.leidenuniv.nl ** Abstract: Density functional theory (DFT) at the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) level is often considered the best compromise between feasibility and accuracy for reactions of molecules on metal surfaces. Recent work, however, strongly suggests that density functionals (DFs) based on GGA exchange are not able to describe molecule-metal surface reactions for which the work function of the metal surface minus the electron affinity of the molecule is less than 7 eV. Systems for which this is true exhibit an increased charge transfer from the metal to the molecule at the transition state, increasing the delocalisation of the electron density. This enlarged delocalisation can cause GGA-DFT to underestimate energy values relative to the gas-phase and thus underestimate the barrier height, similar to what has been observed for several gas-phase reactions. An example of such a molecule-metal surface system is O2 + Al(111). Following a similar strategy as for gas-phase reactions, previous work showed results of increased accuracy when using a screened hybrid DF for O2 + Al(111). However, even screened hybrid DFs are computationally expensive to use for metal surfaces. To resolve this, we test a non-self-consistent field (NSCF) screened hybrid DF approach. This approach computes screened hybrid DFT energies based on self-consistent-field (SCF) GGA electronic densities. Here, we explore the accuracy of the NSCF screened hybrid DF approach by implementing the NSCF HSE03-1/3x@RPBE DF for O2 + Al(111). We compute and analyse molecular beam sticking probabilities as well as a set of sticking probabilities for rotationally aligned O2. Our results show that the NSCF approach results in reaction probability curves that reproduce SCF results with near-chemical accuracy, suggesting that the NSCF approach can be used advantageously for exploratory purposes. An analysis of the potential energy surface and the barriers gives insight into the cause of the disagreement between the SCF and NSCF reaction probabilities and into the changes needed in theoretical modelling to further improve the description of the O2 + Al(111) system. Finally, the hole model yields fair agreement with dynamics results for the reaction probability curve, but results in an increased slope of the reaction probability curve compared to the molecular dynamics, with a shift to lower or higher energies depending on whether the vibrational energy of the molecule is included in the initial energy of the molecule or not. ** Description of files: