** Reference to paper: J. Chem. Phys. 144, 044702 (2016) ** DOI: 10.1063/1.4939520 ** Title: Methane dissociation on Pt(111): Searching for a specific reaction parameter density functional ** Authors: Francesco Nattino, Davide Migliorini, Matteo Bonfanti and Geert-Jan Kroes ** Contact e-mail: f.nattino@chem.leidenuniv.nl ** Abstract: The theoretical description of methane dissociating on metal surfaces is a current frontier in the field of gas-surface dynamics. Dynamical models that aim at achieving a highly accurate description of this reaction rely on potential energy surfaces based on density functional theory calculations at the generalized gradient approximation. We focus here on the effect that the exchange-correlation functional has on the reactivity of methane on a metal surface, using CHD$_{3}$ + Pt(111) as a test case. We present new \emph{ab initio} molecular dynamics calculations performed with various density functionals, looking also at functionals that account for the van der Waals (vdW) interaction. While searching for a semi-empirical specific reaction parameter density functional for this system, we find that the use of a weighted average of the PBE and the RPBE exchange functionals together with a vdW-corrected correlation functional leads to an improved agreement with quantum state-resolved experimental data for the sticking probability, compared to previous PBE calculations. With this semi-empirical density functional we have also investigated the surface temperature dependence of the methane dissociation reaction and the influence of the rotational alignment on the reactivity, and compared our results with experiments. ** Description per file: Manuscript_vs9_Resubmit.pdf is the paper in pdf (preprint format). The material is divided in directories corresponding to the various tables/figures in the paper. Most of the figure files are xmgrace files (.agr).