#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J _JOBNAME_ #SBATCH -t 120:00:00 #SBATCH -n 24 #SBATCH --tasks-per-node=24 #SBATCH -e Job.err #SBATCH --constraint=[ivy|haswell] module load fortran/intel module load mkl module load mpi/impi ulimit -s unlimited WorkDir=` pwd ` # Submission Dir is the working dir ScratchDir=${TMPDIR} # Temporary dir is set (already with JobID) VASP="/home/miglio/VASP_5.3.5/vasp.5.3.5/vasp-SRP032" # Enter scratch and copy everything there cd ${ScratchDir} scp -r ${WorkDir}/* . #============================================ # time mpiexec srun ${VASP} >> vasp.out #============================================ #get time tail OUTCAR >> time.dat #remove junk files rm vasprun.xml WAVECAR CHG* E* IB* DOS* PC* vdw* # Copy files back scp -r ${ScratchDir}/* ${WorkDir}/. # clean up rm -r ${ScratchDir} # ready